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Picture to People
 Design Tools

Cloud Text Effect

It's a great tool to generate cloud text effects. There are several renderers to choose from, so there is a big chance you find a cloud text maker that is perfect to your needs.


  • There is an example image to each cloud rendering style available. These examples will help you to make the right choice when selecting a cloud style in the configuration interface.
  • Some cloud generators can modify the shapes too much when used with certain fonts. Take your time to try several possibilities and find out the (font face X cloud text creator) combination that gives the result you want.
  • You can set the back color for these cloud effects, but choose wisely to achieve the image you look for. Depending on the color you set, the cloud will be dense and strong, and/or will have strong contours. On the other hand, usually there are background colors that give a high fading appearance too. The examples use a blue background with low saturation, what it's a suitable color to represent the sky.

Reference text
Original text

Cloud Text Effect 1

Cloud Text Effect 2

Cloud Text Effect 3

Cloud Text Effect 4

Cloud Text Effect 5

Cloud Text Effect 6

Cloud Text Effect 7

Configuration :

Cloud Style :
Text (max 25) :
Font size :
Margin :
Background color :   
If you see fonts in gray below, they are disabled. There are more than 100 pre-enabled fonts and 1000 extra fonts (you just need to scroll the list down to see all fonts). To know how to enable all extra fonts to be used with thousands of Picture to People text effects, click here.
Font name : 11S01 Black Tuesday
Choose a font here :
 Color Picker  (click a color)